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Conferences, workshops, events

In Autumn 2021 several major events in Slovenia were delivered, with COGDEC team members playing an important role in organizational processes, and/or were invited as speakers and/or moderators. Preparations for all these events started in Spring or Summer 2021, and substantial amount of time was dedicated to organization and preparation to collaborate on these events.


Non-COGDEC-funded collaborations

Two trainers from UL and MUG team presented Digital poster (“GABA and Susceptibility Changes in Striatum in Liver Cirrhosis: Preliminary Results”) on Imaging Metabolites in the Brain on ISMRM Annual meeting & Exhibition 2021 (link). The techniques learned at MUG during the COGDEC project were used for this preliminary study, not funded by the COGDEC project. This pilot study focused on a more advanced assessment of the magnetic susceptibility and GABA levels changes in the striatum of LC patients with various degrees and its correlation to cognitive impairment.





COGDEC UL members collaborated in preparation of annual Sinapsa Neuroscience Conference ’21 (SNC’21). Event was taking place from 23.-25. September 2021 in online mode. COGDEC members were active in organizational processes, delivered presentations or co-moderated sessions. Videos from the event will be added to Sinapsa’s YouTube channel (link). COGDEC was mentioned as conference sponsor.




Teden možganov 2021 “Človek ni otok”, part of initiative Brain Awareness Week, was organized by SiNAPSA from March 15.-19. 2021 (program). Several COGDEC members helped with organisational activities and Prof. Zvezdan Pirtošek delivered lecture on Day 2. Videos are available on Sinapsa’s Youtube channel (link).




9th Cognitive Day with focus on Cognitive  impairment in  neurodegenerative  diseases; risk factors and prevention was organized by Assist. Prof. Milica G. Kramberger (COGDEC’s WP1 leader) and Centre for Cognitive Impairments, Department of Neurology, University Medical Centre Ljubljana on September 9th 2021 (program). The event was streamed online and had 120+ registered participants. COGDEC’s GM&S was involved in the organizational processes and managed the technical delivery of the event. Prof. Zvezdan Pirtošek (COGDEC’s WP5 leader) participated on the event as co-moderator and speaker. Videos will be publicly available on internet (link).


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 857375.

This website reflects only the Author's view. The Research Executive Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information this website contains. Website Editor is J.B.

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