Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana in cooperation with Medical University of Graz and Catholic University of Leuven invites participants to
»Advancing the Knowledge in Brain Imaging Methods«
taking place from September 20th to 24th 2021 in Ljubljana.
Summer School 2021 is part of H2020 Twinning project COGDEC, which aims to enable knowledge transfer in the field of various brain imaging methods from the two internationally-leading organisations.
Lecturers from University of Ljubljana (UL), Medical University of Graz (MUG) and Catholic University of Leuven (KU Leuven) will share their knowledge and experience in studying cognition and analysing data obtained with different brain imaging techniques (MRI, EEG) at an interactive workshop held in Ljubljana. In case of a poor epidemiological situation, and possible restrictions related to the spread of new coronavirus variants, the workshop will be run via remote access.
The workshop will be held in English. Theoretical introduction to the use and analysis of EEG and MRI data will be followed by intensive practical work for participants and presentations of the latest findings and current projects in the field of brain imaging methods and cognition studying. Attendance at the workshop is free.
Computers and software will be provided on-site. In case of running the workshop via remote access, participants will need their own computer and a stable internet connection. Detailed instructions on software needed, connections, procedures and some additional material in connection with the practical part of the workshop (theoretical basics of the field, Matlab scripts…) will be given before the workshop starts.
The workshop is appropriate for graduates in the fields of medicine, biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics, psychology, computer science and cognitive science) who:
a) wish to get basic knowledge in MR and EEG brain imaging techniques as their primary research method to understand mechanisms of human cognition and cognitive decline;
b) wish to explore the possibilities of using MR and EEG brain imaging techniques as a secondary and complementary research method to understand mechanisms of human cognition and cognitive decline;
c) wish to learn about the connection between MR and EEG detected brain changes and clinical assessment of human cognition and cognitive decline.
Please click for a detailed PROGRAM.
Special requirements for participants attending the 2021 Summer School:
a) Bachelor's degree (2nd Bologna) in medicine, biology, chemistry, psychology, informatics, mathematics, physics, cognitive science, or similar.
b) Only applications from researchers with less than 4 years of full-time research experience and without a PhD degree will be accepted (however they can already be enrolled in the PhD study).
c) Basic knowledge of Matlab software is helpful; participants without any basic knowledge are encouraged to attend the free, on-line Matlab 'Getting started' course, before attending the School, available at the following link.
The number of participants is limited. Applications are accepted until Friday, September 3rd 2021 at the following link.
Together with KU Leuven 6 proposals for doctoral dissertation topics were prepared. Participants interested in a joint UL-KU Leuven PhD study, will be offered a travel expenses covered, 10-day visit to KU Leuven to discuss PhD-related research work. Details on the proposed topics can be found at the following link. The number of travel stipends is limited.
Participation in the COGDEC Summer School 2021 is recognized as an elective course in interdisciplinary doctoral study program Biomedicine at UL and is evaluated with 5 ECTS credit points.
For additional information please contact us on e-mail: cogdec@mf.uni-lj.si
-------------------------- PAST LECTURES AND SUMMER SCHOOLS ---------------------------
»Advancing the Knowledge in Brain Imaging Methods«
December 14th-18th 2020 in Ljubljana
14 early-stage researchers from 5 countries actively participated in our COGDEC Winter school 2020, which was held online on December 14–18 2020. Participants got some practical knowledge on Matlab usage and expressed great satisfaction with the outcome of the workshop.

»Advancing the Knowledge in Brain Imaging Methods«
June 22nd-26th 2020 in Ljubljana
The Summer School was part of H2020 Twinning project COGDEC, which aims to enable knowledge transfer in the field of advanced brain imaging methods from the two internationally-leading organisations (Medical University of Graz and Catholic University of Leuven).
Lecturers shared their knowledge and broad experience in data analysis of different brain imaging methods (MR, EEG) in an intensive 3-days workshop, followed by 2 days for evaluation and discussion on possible future research cooperation with participants. Theoretical part was followed by 2 days of hands-on training. Workshop participants had the opportunity to work with and exchange knowledge and experience with participants from a broad range of life-science disciplines. The workshop was held in English. There was no fee attending the workshop.